In the abstract painting are prominent faces, eyes and bodies!
Jeanette von Kustos is an artist born in Gothenburg who spend long periods of time in Provence and on the island of Mallorca. Jeanette paints in acrylic and oil, motifs with great feeling, warmth and passion, often in bright colors and gold. The paintings and motifs triggers the imagination of the observer, a hallmark in von Kustos’ art.
To broaden her artistry, Jeanette have done work with a textile series based on her paintings. Inspiration comes from Mallorca, the mediterranean island with turquoise waters, beautiful villages in the mountains and tranquil small fishing communities.
Recently, Jeanette von Kustos has been working with a series of new paintings whose color language and expression draws its inspiration from the streets of Palma’s old town.
Jeanette von Kustos regards herself as self-taught, but has been educated in Sweden and abroad. Jeanette has many exhibitions of her paintings, both in Sweden and abroad, since the 90’s.
A selection of exhibitions
Sofias Änglar (national TV 5), Sweden
Sandell Gallery, Sweden
Galleri Ullman, Sweden
Galleri 20, Sweden
Incontro, Sweden
A Living Store, Mallorca, Spain
Post Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden
Stora Teatern, Gothenburg, Sweden