Götessons Design Groups third sustainability report is here! We are proud to present our sustainability report for 2023, which includes information of the group companies Götessons Industri AB, Akustikmiljö i Falkenberg AB, David Design AB, Götessons Design GmbH, Scan Sørlie AS and UAB Scan Sørlie Baltic.
Götessons Design Group has no statutory requirement to conduct a sustainability report. Why do we still choose to invest the time and energy required to produce one? The answer is simple - we think it is important that organizations take responsibility for their actions and activities. By showing our commitment, we hope to influence more companies to contribute to a sustainable development.
In this report you can read about our strategic sustainability work, associated objectives and the results of the work we have put in during 2023. Enjoy!
Read the sustainability report by klicking on the picture:
Do you have questions about the sustainability report or want to know how Götessons design Group work with sustainability?
Contact Mia Marecek, Sustainability Coordinator
Mail: mia.marecek@gotessons.se