Nyheter - 24 jan 25

Aktiviteter under Stockholm Design Week

Mi casa, su casa.

During Stockholm Design Week, we invite you to an open house at our showroom on Rosenlundsgatan 38F.

Here, you’ll find not only all the latest from Götessons but also furniture, acoustic solutions, and interiors from the brands David Design, Akustikmiljö, Scan Sørlie, and NTK Atelier. We’ve also invited our experts, who will be on-site Wednesday through Thursday. See more about this below.

The showroom is open Tuesday–Thursday from 9 AM to 6 PM and Friday from 9 AM to 1 PM.

On Wednesday, we’ll turn up the music and host an evening mingle from 5 PM until late. Expect Spanish delicacies and something delightful to drink.

We warmly welcome you to a fun week!


Together, we develop the public sector
Fredrik Kristiansson will join Götessons Design Group on February 1 as Bid & Growth Director. In this role, he will be involved in all projects related to public procurement. With his extensive experience in the field, he will bring valuable expertise to the table. During Week 6, Fredrik will be in the showroom on Wednesday and Thursday. Come and discuss how we can "Together develop the public sector."


What are our actual sustainability requirements as a company?
Come and talk sustainability with Fredrik Rosenholm, Sustainability Director at Götessons Design Group. On Wednesday and Thursday of Week 6, he’ll be in the showroom. Take the opportunity to chat about pressing topics such as legal compliance, greenwashing, and, not least, circular flows.


Healthy work environments always start with good acoustics
Since we spend a significant part of our lives at the workplace, it’s crucial that we feel comfortable there. A healthy workplace always begins with acoustics. At Götessons, you’ll find interior design products made for sound absorption, noise reduction, and sound diffusion. Using furniture and interior solutions that address these three areas reduces echo, improves speech intelligibility, and minimizes disruptive noise.

Our acoustics expert, Mikael Laine from Akustikmiljö, will also be in the showroom during Week 6 to discuss acoustic solutions.